Thank you so much for supporting our mission. You are making a difference.
Your tax-deductible donations directly benefit our impact programming by funding the impementation and development as well as making our programs free and accessible to schools and individuals who need them most.
Your contributions allow us to bring our mission to life by:
Providing the foundational Be More Curriculum for free to all schools who apply.
Producing a documentary series for school assemblies.
Funding young female leadership programs like the Girl Board.
Educating teachers and parents on social media literacy.
Hosting local events to increase awareness of the mission.
And so much more!
We are always looking for more volunteers who are interested in supporting our mission. Whether you are a graphic designer who wants to collab on an apparel project, a college student who wants non-profit internship experience, or you want to support with a local event or fundraiser, we greatly appreciate your time and effort! Get in touch with us to find out more.
Nominate a School
If you know of a school, district, or teacher who would be interested in incorporating the Be More social media literacy curriculum into their classroom, get in touch to chat about next steps.