
Of 10 Year Old Girls

are afraid of becoming fat, and have diet and weigh loss-related thoughts.


Hours per Day

The amount of time that kids spend on social media and tech, every day.


More Likely

to develop body image issues and eating disorders with heavy social media usage.


Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.

If those numbers don’t concern you, they should. At an alarmingly young age, girls are being forced to think about their bodies in a way they shouldn’t have to. At a time when they should be focused on cultivating their creativity, discovering their passions, and building meaningful relationships, they are instead placing a disproportionate amount of focus on body image.


Be More is a 501(c)3 nonprofit creating conversations about this phenomenon, and providing adolescents with the tools they need to foster confidence, self-love and establish balanced values.


This support is necessary for healthy growth and development, as well as for the prevention of more serious eating disorders and body image issues. Eating disorder research is extremely underfunded, even though it has one of the highest mortality rates of any mental illness. Our programs help to educate young girls and their parents and teachers about the warning signs and risks of unhealthy obsession with body image.

The primary objective of our in-school impact programs is teaching social media literacy to adolescents.

Technology is most certainly a gift, and the youth of today are at an advantage in many ways growing up with it. However, it is undeniably a double-edged sword, and we as a society are obligated to provide them with the tools to self-regulate and learn to mitigate the negative impacts of constant media exposure. If we are going to give them access to this powerful tool, then we need to also teach them how to use it responsibly.

Beyond education and awareness, Be More invites kids and young adults to be more than just a pretty appearance. We invite them to be brave, strong, smart, kind, compassionate, creative, loving, and so much more than just their bodies.

At Be More, we invite the youth to stand together to change the conversation surrounding body image, so that generations to come will be educated and empowered to see and accept a more universally represented female image.


Our Mission

be more is a 501(c)3 organization committed to teaching youth the importance of self-love and self-respect, and examining the role that social media plays in their lives. By creating a community of support, encouragement, and empowerment, as well as raising awareness and agency surrounding societal expectations of body image, be more teaches kids how to build each other up and prevent negative conversations and behaviors that often lead to poor body image and eating disorders. Our mission is to get teens out of the world of comparison on social media, and back out into building real-life connection and relationships.


Our Vision

Society today places so much value on the body and someone’s physical appearance. We envision a society where every girl and woman knows that she is so much more than just her body, and her worth is not determined by something so trivial and temporary as her weight or size. Body Empowerment is the foundation for a healthy and purpose-driven life, and is something that every person deserves to experience. Our work is to create a culture where young people not only have the tools to look past the lack of diversity and representation in the media, but also to advocate for a world where a more universal and holistic image of beauty is projected for all to see.

Beyond body image, social media is playing an increasingly prevalent role in the lives of adolescents. While often a positive tool for growth and learning, excessive use of social technology is also proving to be a detriment to the mental health of children everywhere. Our aim is to provide these children with the tools to self-regulate and to set their own healthy boundaries with social media. By teaching them to become more mindful consumers of the media, we can put the focus back on building valuable real-life skills like communication, integrity, self-confidence, and self-care.