Be More offers an evidence-based in-school curriculum focused on educating teens and young adults about social media literacy and supporting them in developing confidence in themselves, inside and out.

We currently work with teachers of grades 6-8 to implement our 12-week curriculum, free of charge.

The lesson plans are customizable to meet your school's standards and needs, and they have been designed so that any teacher can oversee them, regardless of background or expertise. We are also in the process of developing an elementary and high-school version of our curriculum as well, so please reach out to us at to get your school/classroom on the waitlist.


Available Supplemental Curriculum Modules

  • Cyberbullying

  • Empowered Storytelling

  • Eating Disorder Awareness & Prevention

  • Digital Wellness

Coordinate a Be More Awareness Presentation at Your School

Depending on your location, we can also have a team member or ambassador visit your school to give a presentation about social media literacy, body image, self-esteem and mental health. Topics may include: the effects of social media; body-positive language; diversity and representation; self-acceptance; anti-bullying and more. These assemblies are a combination of large and small-group exercises, an educational presentation, and an open-format conversation about a variety of topics to support mental and behavioral health.

Assemblies are hosted upon request and we will work with your school’s schedule,
student body size, and specific issues you’d like to address to accommodate your needs. 



It is very important to us to maintain a close relationship with the schools who are implementing our curriculum, so that we can make it as impactful as possible. We often conduct surveys and focus groups of teachers, parents and students to gain as much feedback as we can. We also offer after-school workshops (virtually and in-person) for parents to come in and learn about what we're doing, and to provide them resources and tools to continue the conversations at home.