Introducing: Be More’s Allyship Series

As an organization that reinforces the need for diversity and inclusion in the social media space, and facilitates education with our curriculum and digital resources, Be More is committed to be an ally to all the underrepresented and systemically disenfranchised groups fighting for their rights.

Marginalized voices deserve to be heard, shared, and echoed. Our social platforms have committed to amplifying BIPOC voices, and we are thankful to have a blog platform where we can dive deeper into the importance of allyship. This week, a three part “Allyship Series” will talk about the history of systemic racism, how to use your voice as an ally, and a resource guide for education and action.

It is vital to understand that the job of an ally is to listen and reflect during this time, in addition to taking action. It is not the job of our Black community members to teach us about racism. Rather, it is the ally’s job to have the courage to dig deep, confront biases and the reality of privilege, and learn how to be part of the solution. We hope that this Allyship Series will serve as a resource and inspiration for allies seeking to partner with and amplify marginalized voices.

Look out for these posts this week!

Thursday: Allyship Part One - A History Lesson

Friday: Allyship Part Two - Using Your Voice

Saturday: Allyship Part Three - Your Reference Guide for Education and Action Resources


Allyship Part 1: A History Lesson


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